Help me move all of my blogs

May 9, 2008

Weekend Open Trackback Alliance 5.9–5.11.2008

Filed under: misc, ota, otb — Rosemary Welch @ 5:22 pm

Oh my, it’s been a rough week. My computer just froze up on me for quite a while, I’ve had to fix my template (not done yet), and life. This is going to be short. Please help me out by sending your trackback posts so my readers will have something to read while I work. Much appreciated. 😉

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list.

There are three trackbacks which I recommend: Open Trackback Alliance, (host an open trackpost) Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll at The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

Su. The Amboy Times: Muslim Cleric: Every Muslim Should Be a Terrorist.
W. third world couty (W, F): This weekend….
W. Stop the ACLU: Friday Free For All.
Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Thursday Open Roost.
F. The World According To Carl: Open Trackback Friday — May 9, 2008.
F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Hoping Sharpton Goes To Jail Open Trackback Weekend.
F. Woman Honor Thyself: ALL MUSLIMS are GUILTY…Until….
F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): Weekend Pirate Linkfest 5/9-5/11.
Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: M1A1 Patrolling Baghdad.
D. The Yankee Sailor (M, F): Weekend Open Post.

Posts that I’m waiting for them to post so I can trackback:

Su. Grandinite.
Su. Onemanbandwidth.
Su. Stageleft.
Su. InMuscatine.

M. Perri Nelson (M, W, F).
M. Faultline USA.

T. Planck’s Constant.

W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd).
W. Gribbit (W, S).

Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon.

F. Stix Blog.
F. MacBro’s Place.
F. Rosemary’s Thoughts (F, Wknd).

S. Church and State.
S. LyfLines.

D. The Dumb Ox.
D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker.
D. Conservative Cat.

Wknd. Oblogatory Anecdotes.
Wknd. Stuck On Stupid.
Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles.
Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

InvestorBlogger: Upgrading vs. buying new: Bring a new lease of life to your PC experience.
Shadowscope: Weekend Open Track-Back.
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Beagle Scout: Code Pink Bewitches the Marine Corps Recruiting Station.
Since Code Pink and Berkeley’s City Council have already become a laughingstock, why not become even more of one? The witches of Code Pink have taken to wearing pointed witch hats and casting spells at the USMC Recruiting Station in Berkeley. The…
2. Right Truth:
PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Prologue and Chapter 1.
PATIENT EVIL (Prologue and Chapter One) An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance…

May 7, 2008

Okay, it finally happened

Filed under: Bloggers, honor, milblogs, misc, promises — Rosemary Welch @ 1:23 pm

I’ve been blogging since July 5, 2004, and I promised in 2005 that I would post everyday. Even if it was only to say hi, even when I was sick, I managed to keep that promise…until yesterday. Why was I not blogging, you ask? ARE YOU NUTS? I was blogging my butt off! I had to re-do many of the blogs wrote MONDAY! As I was doing this late into Tuesday morning (there’s a story in there, too), my computer froze up, I was thrown offline a number of times, and I was still typing my heart out in the hopes that I may…just MAY…be able to post something. But Nooooo.

What was it that happened Monday that had me in such a tizzy? I was supposed to have my post for Tuesday’s blog over at Eagles Up (named the Talon) ready to be posted in the afternoon the day before it is due. Well. All these things sure didn’t help! Then I had to rewrite much of it.

By the time I was ready to turn it in (it’s still Monday morning), I can’t login. Huh? I tried every password I’ve ever used, every ID I’ve ever used, and I used every combination. Nothing! Panic had already sunk in.

I sent away for a lost password, but I never received an email. That’s probably because I am NOT the editor! These guys are so wonderful. They helped me out, and they even forgave me! I am on warning, though. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! (I’m exaggerating.) There’s a reason why I should not allow this to happen again. I am supposed to be responsible!

And that brings me back to the start of this post. I am responsible to have a post (or two or three…) up there for you to read. That is my promise to you and to myself. Did I tell you why I made that promise? No? Okay. I was playing too many games when I first started, and I felt that I was neglecting my friends. Also, I did not want to become addicted to those stupid games. It was great discipline. It only took me three and a half years to break my 2005 New Years Eve Resolution. (Now that it happened, I can tell what and why it was.)

My new pledge. I am going to keep the old one. I promise to write everyday EXCEPT in cases of extreme emergency (hospitalization, no computer, etc.). It is very stressful, but in a sick way I like it. Ouch! 😉

Posts I’ve trackposted to:

Leaning Straight Up: School Stupidity of the Year (Decade?) Award goes to Land ‘O Lakes Florida: Teacher fired for “Wizardry” for making a toothpick disappear.
Planck’s Constant: When should children leave home?
Right Voices: Updated:Obama Promised The Teamsters That He Would End The Oversight And Allow The Mafia Back In…Change the Teamsters can believe in, part 2.
Tel-Chai Nation: Philly policeman murdered by thieves in Muslim niqab garb.
Faultline USA: Black Theology & Black Power.
third world county: When memory fails….
Woman Honor Thyself: Myanmar receiving Aid from the U.S. and IsraeL.
Kodera’s Korner: Erie Bloggers Kurse Kodera.
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

April 21, 2008

oh no! a migraine!

Filed under: illness, joy, misc, otb — Rosemary Welch @ 10:09 am

I’m sorry to report I went to sleep with this migraine in the hopes of getting rid of it, but alas, no such luck. I took two tylenol last night, but you know how that goes. Once the migraine has got you, nothing works. NO, I am not taking any codeine. Okay?! Why not? It makes me sicker than the migraine, because it turns into a bigger problem for me. I don’t know if it’s the migraine or the coming off the codeine when I take it. Yes, that’s how sick it makes me.

Well, I guess that means I won’t be doing my usual writing. I have such a backlog in my inbox, if you have sent me something to read and it was before Sunday, please resend it. That way I’ll know that you read this and know that I am dumping all that build-up! lol. Hey, I can laugh when I’m in pain. I have to. It hurts when I cry. lol.

Yes, it hurts when I laugh, too. It hurts when I breathe, so why not be happy? Or am I supposed to be a gun-tottin, Bible-thumpin’, Church-goin’ bitter person? Oh, I forgot! I don’t live in YOUR world, Barack Hussein Obama. And I’M NOT SORRY. Never will be, so don’t bother asking for an apology! 😉

I’m going to need your help. I’m going to leave this as an open trackback. All you have to do is link to me in your article (that means you take the permanent URL to this post, add it at the end of your post, include Rosemary’s Thoughts with it, and there ya go!), then use your trackback to ping me. You don’t have a trackback?! (Why not?) You can use Wizbang’s stand alone trackback or pinger.

I like to use Linkfest, because there are many good blogger that use it. They don’t censor you, and all political and any other kind of speech is welcome. Why don’t you give them a try? It will increase your readership!

The only rule I have is that you can’t use pornography to link to me, to use me in, or have anything to do with it. I’m very strict on this. You will be blocked if that happens. Yes, I can find out where and who you are, so be careful. As for my Celebrity gals, I’m not referring to you. I know how those tramps can be. It’s not your fault. lol. (I’m only kidding about the ‘tramp’ comment.) Thanks for understanding.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Big Dog’s Webblog: Obama Laments Distraction but not His.
Barack Obama was discussing his contest with Hillary Clinton when he made reference to her claim about throwing the kitchen sink at him. Obama stated that Hillary had thrown the China and soon the buffet would be coming. Obama stated that the things…
2. Right Truth: Is World Net Daily a reliable source of information?
I’ve had more than one person tell me that World Net Daily is not a reliable source of information. Any site is only as reliable as the authors who write there and the research and sources they quote. So, let’s…
3. Pirate’s Cove: Climate That Hasn’t Changed In 10 Years Threatens Predators And Prey.
You just cannot make this up! Well, I can’t, anyhow, I’m not a fiction writer (CBS News) Vucetich, of Michigan Tech University, is co-leader of a team closely monitoring Isle Royale’s moose and wolves for five decades. Both species …
4. Planck’s Constant: Muslims Want World to adopt Mecca time.
Will we now have to talk in Islamic time-terms: Hey Mahmood, it’s half past a flogging; it’s a quarter to a wife-beating, it’s three lashes past six…
5. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Earth Day – Environmental Benefits and Unintended Consequences.
No other group has caused as much damage and destruction as radical environmentalists… We need to focus our efforts on real environment improvements rather than the imaginary crisis that has been invented as the latest effort to redistribute wealth…
6. Pirate’s Cove: Penguins Going To Die From Global Warming.
In yesterdays global warming post, Rosemary brought up penguins flying. I remember seeing something about that at the beginning of April. However, it was a hoax from the BBC, and fooled quite a few people…Personally, I found the video rather humorous…
7. Grandinite: China’s Christians Pay The Price.
The world is finally seeing China for what it is: a totalitarian dictatorship. It’s widely known that China has been rounding up and persecuting First Amendment advocates. These Chinese dissidents who use the Internet and demonstrations to prote…
8. Woman Honor Thyself: Ban GunS?..I Don’t Think Sooo.
Do we need a history refresher course to remember just how many governments worldwide murdered millions of their own unarmed or disarmed citizens?
Quickie reminder:
Think Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China. Do we need a history refresher course to remember just how many governments worldwide murdered millions of their own unarmed or disarmed citizens? Quickie reminder: Think Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China…

April 11, 2008

I’ve been tagged!

Filed under: fun/silly, misc — Rosemary Welch @ 7:18 pm

My dear friend, David, has tagged me, and I usually turn these away with a little amusement. After all, whatever did I do to indicate I would be a willing participant? What did I do to deserve this? 😉

Nonetheless, I have agreed to do this just ONE TIME, so don’t even think it! lol. David is a very good man, and he has helped me endlessly with my computer etiquette and software. So how about it, shall we get on with it?

Here is what I am endeavored to do:

1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as travels across the blogosphere. (This would be Kat, of Cathouse Chat, tagged David who tagged me with a blogosphere meme pool tag game.)
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Now I must combine my life’s experiences, my education, my philosophies, my loves and dislikes into six tiny words. Anyone who knows me knows that this is a trick within itself! However, I shall try to complete this challenge.

My life is a contact sport.” 😉

Okay, I’ve rolled all my theories into political jargon, sports, animals, Church, missionary work, and other stuff. Why political jargon? Because the Left (Commies) have left me with no choice. Amazing is it not? The people who scream for choice are only willing to permit it when you decide to MURDER your own child. Animals? I love them. All. The Left has the government involved in this area as well. Reading? I would love to! Does the Left censor my access to news? YES. Thank God for the net!

These are just a few radical thoughts from the communist regime that live and dwell amongst us. They have turned everything into politics, so I have decided to answer in kind. Especially since James Carter has lost his marbles and does not wish to play with Americans anymore. Oh no. He would prefer our death. Just ask him as soon as he gets back from his meeting with HAMAS which Obama will not condemn!

I do not believe in sitting on the sideline and waiting for other people to do what I am responsible for doing. What is it I am responsible for doing? Anything that needs being done but is not, loving and tending my brothers and sisters, my prayer time, leading lost souls to Jesus Christ our LORD, etc. See, it all includes ACTION. So let’s get active! 😉

Toldja I could not do it in six words. 😉

These are my poor, unsuspecting friends whom I have selected to join in the fun: Dagney’s Rant, The Jungle-Hut, Mom, Pawigo View, Blue Star Chronicles and Woman Honor Thyself.

Back-up taggees: Right Truth and Bereft.

I forgot to give a man the opportunity to say ‘No’! So here is: Stop the ACLU, Jay, Veteran-American Voices and Big Dog’s Website.

Now men, you will not need to do anything unless I get in touch with you to let you know that I need you. Of course you are my friends! I will always need you! I mean for this. 😉

Update: It appears Jungle Mom has already been tagged! She did a very good job both in her six words and in her life. God bless you, Jungle Mom! (Your family, too.) So it seems it is up to you Debbie. 😉

Update II: It would appear I’ve been tagged again by The Amboy Times. He has asked me to join in the fun, and I have already done my work. Cool! I will just add him to those who I’ve trackbacked to so he doesn’t have to seek all the blogoshpere over just for someone who has not been tagged yet. OH! Wait a minute! I know someone who hasn’t been tagged yet. Why don’t I give him this other person’s URL? Hmm. Do you think that would be a good idea? I do! Here comes a tag your way, StormWarning’s CounterTerrorism via The Amboy Times!

Update III: Rurik from StormWarnings is unable to participate for reasons I understand. He was very nice about it, and I want to thank him for his kindness. Now to let you know that I’ve been tagged again! Yup, Adam’s Blog has tagged me, but I don’t know what to do! Should I write another six words? Do I need to tag five more people? Nah! I’ll just give him what I’ve got. Does that sound about right? It does? Good! Thanks.

BTW, his six words are very good. “Serve God. Fight Hard. Get Healthy.” Awesome, aren’t they? 😉

Posts I’ve trackbacked to:
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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Right Truth: My Epitaph (again).
Rosemary tagged me (David tagged her) for a meme, but this one will be easy. In an earlier post, I asked readers to write their own epitaph and to put it on a tombstone, I posted the images here. Mine…

April 2, 2008

10,000; Thank You!

Filed under: Bloggers, misc, otb — Rosemary Welch @ 12:58 am

Someone visited me today from one of my other sites, Loving God Holy, and they were the 10,000th visitor! Thanks to all of you who have made this bumpy transition work for me.

This person is from Raleigh, North Carolina. The particular page he/she was interested in is: 4-2 Stryker Brigade expands into all of Diyala province. Please check out this article, along with the site. I really did like the site, it was just too hard for me to keep up with 8 sites. I…um…found out that maybe it would have been easier!

Why? Because each site had its own definition. When you went there, you knew you would find what you had expected. I had Causes of Interest which I share with some fine people. What I used that one for was humanitarian/genocidal dictators/human rights issues.

Then there was the next two: DoD Daily News and DoD Daily News-2. The reason I had two was so that I could say, ‘Continue reading’ and the other site would have the whole story. I never could figure out how to work that little widget.

Then there was Love America First. I opened this one because I got so tired of all the America haters. I don’t believe in sitting around and moping about things I can do nothing about, because I don’t believe there are too many things in this world that I cannot help to change! I called on some friends and it grew like wildfire…at first. Then I found myself doing all of the editing, and then I was doing most of the writing. It was still a great site. People still post over there!

The newspaper I tried to get off the ground is Knickerbocker News. I had a few people helping me with this one, too, but let me tell you. It is VERY hard to write an article and keep my big fat mouth out of it. I truly wanted to write as a journalist, and I gave it a go. I did not get discovered, so I got discouraged. All that work for what? (lol)

Of course there is the Loving God Holy. This is where I bare my soul to God. Others may read it, but it is my personal blog. The reason people have to be registered to comment, btw, is because of the spam. I don’t like doing that, but it became necessary.

My main blog, though, was My Newz ‘n Ideas. I spent a lot of time and thought over there. Sometimes I even felt lonely, because I was not getting any comments. Then the funniest thing happened. I wrote a one line post, and I got lots of comments! WTHey?! Okay, let me get this write. If I don’t say anything, you feel more compelled to comment? What, are you sick or something? LOL. I know, sometimes I drift off into other topics. So sue me! (Please don’t.)

When I gather all my posts from blogger into one site, I will bring their site-meters with them. Won’t that be cool? Well, it’s only fair, since I am bringing their posts along with them. Oh, I already said that. Um…what was I going to say?

Oh yes, THANK YOU! Each and everyone. 😉

Today I am having an open post trackback, and you are welcome to trackback or ping an article you wish to share with others. I like to use Linkfest for this, because there are many people with good posts already up over there. It is also a good way to share your articles. Give it a go, eh? The only rule I have is that there shall be no porn. Thanks, and have a great day.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

Stageleft: Life on the left side: Eh … Close Enough.
Outside the Beltway: Recession, Depression, or Neither?
third world county: The Greatness of the American Electorate.
Maggie’s Notebook: Opportunities in America – Michelle Obama.
Adam’s Blog: Post of the Day for April 1, 2008.
The World According To Carl: Hiatus.
Blue Star Chronicles: Pat Condell Discusses The Film Fitna.
Stuck on Stupid: None Of Your Business!
A NEWT ONE: EAGLES UP ALERT: Soldiers Perspective Has Been.
Conservative Cat: Free Speech and Public Education.
Right Voices: Planned Parenthood: $114 million of the government funds received by planned parenthood were not needed and only increased the abortion giant’s assets.
Woman Honor Thyself: Um..WhaT DaY is It?
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. 123beta: Tone Down Gmail.
2. Wolf Pangloss: Gangbusters in Basra.
3. Nuke Gingrich: The Daily Snort.
4. Faultline USA: His Teachers Confirmed Obama Was a Registered Muslim.
5. Maggie’s Notebook: Hillary Clinton, Chris Matthews and MSM Perpetuate.
6. Beagle Scout: Keep the KC-45 Tanker in Mobile Alabama: Katrina country.
7. Beagle Scout: You look like a guy caught smuggling reptiles in his pants.
8. Beagle Scout: I’ll Watch BBC When Penguins Fly.
9. Right Truth: Real Life Experiences.
10. Wolf Pangloss: CPUSA supports Clinton or Obama, and Card Check.
11. Wolf Pangloss: Pity Party:
12. Leaning Straight Up: Checking Hell’s temperature, as the 9th Circuit Court Upholds Ten Commandments display.
13. Tilting at Windmill Farms: Things Aren’t Always What They Seem.

March 30, 2008

Rough times

Filed under: forgiveness, God, Jesus, misc, repentence, sin — Rosemary Welch @ 3:41 am

There is so much going on right now that I really don’t have time to write. It’s truly driving me nuts! I’ve turned two evictions into two possible resolutions with the people involved being allowed to stay, other’s taxes, social security giving my money to someone else since December!, cigarrette taxes, plumber, accounting, bills, and all of this with no money. Oy vey!

Just wanted to touch base, so I could feel some sense of sanity. Yeah, laugh now. Wait until it happens to you! lol. Everyone have a great weekend, and remain grateful for living in this, the greatest country ever, and under the watchful eye of an everloving and faithful LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Anyone who does not like me mentioning Jesus Christ, there are millions of other sites. You may remain here and learn a thing or two (along with me), or you may choose to leave and visit someone else. There is NO WAY I am going to stop discussing my love and gratitude for my God, the One and Only true God. And you, my dear friend, cannot make me. Ya see, YOU ARE THE INFIDEL, not me! (LOL) Okay, maybe not an infidel, but an unbeliever at least.

I sure do pray for you, that your heart would be softened and opened up enough so that you may see and hear and know the Truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He can heal you right here and now. Maybe not in the way you have determined He should or the way that those who do not Him would understand, but He most definitely would if it were His will. You would also find true Peace, a Peace that this world does not comprehend, but you can attain it during even the most unpeaceful of times.

You need to accept the fact that God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall never die but have eternal life. Just accept Jesus Christ as Lord, repent of your sins, accept God’s love for you, and have a relationship with Him. There is no one on this world that cannot be saved. I know what I am saying, and I still know it. OBL will NOT ask for forgiveness, therefore he will not be granted it. What if he does? Then the angles in Heaven will rejoice…

Join the Christians Against Leftist Heresy
blogroll sponsored by Faultline USA

Tip o’ the ol’ Hat to Planck’s Constant for his post, “A Muslim Reaction to Fitna – Threats“, which gave me the burr in my bonnet.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to:

Right Truth: Sunday Reading List 3/30/08.
2. Woman Honor Thyself: AddicteD to Your Cell PhonE?
3. Right Truth: Political Warfare and the Proliferation of the Vote – The Basis for a Strong Nation Part 5.

March 22, 2008

I *ate Norton!

Filed under: misc, rant, tech — Rosemary Welch @ 7:27 pm

This is a rush post, because Norton might shut her down before I’m done typing. Has anyone bought the Norton Security Package 2008? Well…IT SUCKS. It doesn’t have the Live Updates capacity, so you have to do that manually. It took me over 3 hours last night to complete it, then it restarted without my consent. Good thing I wasn’t working on anything serious.

Right now it is scanning my files so I know I have a little time. This anti-virus program is the pits. I just don’t know where else to go. Does anyone have any ideas out there? I need to change this anti-virus program, and I’ve only had it since December 21, 2007. I have already had more problems with Norton than I’ve had with it in the past 5 years! Oh, whoa is me. Thanks for any suggestions. Have a great day.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to:
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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

March 21, 2008

Correction, Open Trackback Weekend

Filed under: misc, ota, otb — Rosemary Welch @ 8:10 pm

I really dislike doing corrections in this manner, but I have searched my blog over and I couldn’t find the true location of where this post with the error occurred. What I had stated was that Obama’s grandmother is dead. THAT IS WRONG! She is very much alive, I have come to learn. Please forgive me for this serious error.

There will more articles this weekend that you may trackback to, but it is already 1 pm and I’ve just awoken! Oh my! 😉

Today I am having an open post trackback, and you are welcome to trackback or ping an article you wish to share with others. I like to use Open Trackback Alliance and Linkfest for this, because there are many people with good posts already up over there. It is also a good way to share your articles. Give it a go, eh? The only rule I have is that there shall be no porn. Thanks, and have a great day.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Samantha Burns’ OTA:

S. The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: OTA Weekend And Petition, F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): Weekend Pirate Linkfest Sticky Post 3/21-3/23, Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: The Gratitude Campaign Video, Su. The Amboy Times: Obama’s Church: Hamas and Marxism, Stageleft:. Life on the left side: If It’s So “Romantic” George, Wknd. Stuck On Stupid: Weekend Pirate Linkfest Sticky Post 3/21-3/23, The World According To Carl: Webb Wilder — Rock Idol For Idle Youth — One Of My Favorite Artists, F. Stix Blog: Image of the Day, F. Woman Honor Thyself: EasteR and PassoveR in JerusaleM, Wknd. Leaning Straight Up, Wknd. 123beta (F, Wknd), Su. Grandinite, S. LyfLines, Su. Onemanbandwidth, Su. Free Constitution, Su. Conservative Culture (Su, T), S. Church and State, Su. walls of the city, Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger, Wknd. The Bullwinkle Blog, S. Point Five, S. 7 Deadly Sins, S. Selective Amnesia, S. Case Notes from the Artsy Asylum, Su. InMuscatine, Su. Miceland, Su. Peakah’s Provocations, Su. Otimaster (Spanish).

These sites haven’t written for months or I could not connect to them: S. Steeljaw Scribe, Su. The Blazer Blog, Su. Where are my socks?, Su. The Dissentators (Su, M).

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

Shadowscope: Saturday Photohunt, Big Dogs Weblog: The Race about Race, Nuke Gingrich: World Famous Friday Open Pickle Thread, third world county: Who Needs School?, The Beauty Stop: Beauty Stop Round-Up, McCain Blogs: Weekend Linkfest: Voter Meltdown in Democrat Party Coming, Adam’s Blog: Post of the Day for March 21, 2008, Right Truth: Richardson to the rescue!, The Pink Flamingo, Oblogatory Anecdotes: Open Trackbacks 03/21-23, MacBros Reviews: OTA Linkfest #6, Cao’s Blog, A NEWT ONE: There can be no Resurrection without a Crucifictio, Conservative Cat, and The Yankee Sailor: Weekend Open Post, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Pirate’s Cove: Newsweek Goes Idiot On “Thrown Under The Bus”.
2. Cao’s Blog: Brite Divinity School To Honor Jeremiah Wright.
3. Faultline USA: Brite Divinity School Accused of Violating Its Own.
4. Wolf Pangloss: Whitey talks back.
5. Wolf Pangloss: The 2nd Amendment is an Individual Right, no doubt about it.
6. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: “The Essential Pigeon” Reading List.
7. Blue Star Chronicles: Spc. Glenn Johnson Gives Special Birthday Surprise.
8. Blue Star Chronicles: Cpl. David Thibodeaux Sings Not Ready to End the Fight.
9. Blue Star Chronicles: Bill Richardson Endorces Obama and Hopes You Forgot About the Clintons Nuclear Secrets and Los Alamos.
10. Blue Star Chronicles: Demonstrations in Denmark.
11. Blue Star Chronicles: Saudi Arabia Tries to Reign in Imams.
12. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Open Topic: The Tibet Crisis.
13. The Italian Bankruptcy.
14. The Amboy Times: Obama’s Church: Hamas and Marxism.
15. Stageleft:. Life on the left side: If It’s So “Romantic” George

March 11, 2008

9000 hits, 1000 to go

Filed under: misc — Rosemary Welch @ 6:18 am

The person who visited for the 9000th hit is ‘Unknown’. Don’t you just love that? I don’t know who to thank. I do know, however, which article they wanted to read. It is News: Terrorism, Racism, Flight 93 Memorial. A very good article, if I do say so myself. lol. Thank you, guys and gals.

When I started this site on June 12, 2007, I set up the site-meter right away. I learned from past experiences. So far, I have mostly had hits that were not from my computer. I turned on the ‘ignore’ tab on site-meter for my own computer. It will track even your own hits when you work on a post and everytime you do anything with blogger if you do not turn it off for your computer.

I finally hit the 9000th mark. I’m sure there were a few times when I forgot to turn off the tracking of my computer, but not that many. I would like to thank all of you for helping me! Have a great night.

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March 2, 2008

Open Trackbacks, Linkfest, and You

Filed under: misc, otb, tech — Rosemary Welch @ 12:28 am

There seems to be glitch in the system that I have made David aware of so that he can try to figure it out. In the meantime, please use the frontpage of Linkfest to locate the posts you want to link to today. You can get the name of the blog, the title of the post, and then to the post for the trackback URL itself.

We thank you for your patience while we are working diligently to solve this problem. Thank you, and have a great weekend! 😉

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

The Amboy Times: Nazi and Islamic Propaganda, third world county: RCOB-health tip, The World According To Carl: Retirement The CAVALRY Way, The Yankee Sailor: Weekend Open Post, Wolf Pangloss: Leap Day Weekend Open Post and Trackbacks, 123beta: Open Trackback Weekend, Adeline and Hazel: Please Give Nicky Hilton a Cheeseburger and Links, A NEWT ONE: The Anbar Awakening Tipping Point, Right Voices: That Virtual Fence Is A Virtual Bust!, Right Truth: Terrorism, American Medicine, and Death Threats, The World According To Carl: PhotoHunt 99: Party, and many thanks to: .

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. The Uncooperative Blogger: Independent Conservative Talk Radio.
2. Blue Star Chronicles: Taliban Tells Newsweek They Knew Prince Harry was in Afghanistan All Along. (LIARS!)
3. Blue Star Chronicles: Michelle Obama to Poor Working Women: Don’t Cry For Me.
4. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: 20 year Anniversary.
5. Right Truth: “Shari’a is already here. And you didn’t even notice.”
6. Blue Star Chronicles: The US Postal Service is Offering New Flat Rate Box for Military.
7. Woman Honor Thyself: IsraeL: Fight AlreadY Wouldya?

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